Before disassembly, thoroughly wash and dry your hands. Power down the device.
Find the opening in the SIM card tray roughly an inch above the charging port. Gently push a small paper clip into the opening to 'pop up' the SIM card tray.
Remove the tray, SIM card and SD card. Place all three in COMPARTMENT A.
The display cable connector is two inches down from the component connector:
Picture 1: Peel up yellow Kapton tape with plastic tweezers. Adhere the tape to the wall of COMPARTMENT E. (You'll need a piece of Kapton tape for reassembly to help hold the display cable in place.)
Picture 2: Use flat end of spudger to push the black ZIF connector open.
Picture 3: Gently guide the display cable out of the ZIF connector.
Remove two 2.1 mm T3 Torx screws from bracket. Place in SLOT 2.
Remove bracket. Place in COMPARTMENT B.
Picture 1: Remove tape with plastic tweezers.
Picture 2: Open ZIF connector with blue pry tool.
Picture 3: Pull cable free with plastic tweezers while pulling up the front-facing camera with your fingers. Place in COMPARTMENT C.
Strong adhesive holds the earpiece speaker and component cable assembly in place:
Picture 1: Push the flat end of spudger under earpiece speaker to free it from the adhesive.
Picture 2: Continue peeling up the speaker and cable assembly up with both hands until free.
Picture 3: Place in COMPARTMENT C.
Adhesive holds the display cable in place:
Picture 1: Apply low-level heat (100° Celsius) to the display cable for 1 minute.
Picture 1: From COMPARTMENT C, replace earpiece speaker and component cable assembly.
Picture 2: Make sure the openings for the screw slots on the cable line up with the slots on the front panel.
Picture 3.: Push earpiece speaker into place.
Picture 1: From COMPARTMENT C, replace front-facing camera.
Picture 2: Hold the camera in place while pushing the cable into the connector with plastic tweezers.
Picture 3: Close ZIF connector black bar.
Connect component cable:
Guide component cable into open ZIF connector. Hold component cable in place with one hand, while closing ZIF connector with your thumb on opposite hand.
Picture 1: Connect display cable:
Picture 2: Guide display cable into open ZIF connector. Hold display cable in place with one hand, while closing ZIF connector with your thumb on opposite hand.
Picture 3: Cover the display cable connector with Kapton tape from COMPARTMENT E.
The display cable has a tendency to come loose when closing the front panel on the rear panel. It's important to replace the yellow Kapton tape to ensure the cable is held in place.
Almost done!
Finish Line