In the next few steps, you'll be opening the Kindle by freeing the clips marked in Picture 2.
Picture 1: Peel up foam tape covering the speaker connector. Place in COMPARTMENT A.
Picture 2: Wedge your fingers in the notches between the black speaker cable head and the white speaker connector. Pull the black speaker cable head free.
Use a blue pry tool if you can't fit your fingers in the notches.
Picture 3: Unthread the speaker cable.
Use the blue pry tool to disconnect the antenna cable head.
Unthread antenna cable, but don't try to remove it.
Picture 1: Use a wide blue pry tool to disconnect the LCD cable.
Picture 2: Open the ZIF connector securing the power button cable.
Picture 3: Open the ZIF connector securing the digitizer cable.
Pictures 1 & 2: Wedge the blue pry tool between the logic board and front panel exactly where shown. Pry just enough to pivot the logic board around the notch in the red square.
Picture 3: The bottom of the logic board is lightly adhered to the mid-plate. Wedge the wide blue pry tool exactly where shown. Gently twist counter-clockwise to lift the bottom of the board.
Remove the 2.5 mm Phillips scew securing the power button cable. Place screw in SLOT 4.
Peel up power button cable with your fingers and place in COMPARTMENT B.
Use the pointed end of the spudger to peel up silver tape securing antenna cable.
Fold the tape out of the way.
Remove four 2.4 mm Phillips screws holding the LCD to the front glass frame. Place in SLOT 6.
Separate the LCD from the front glass.
Check the LCD for fingerprints or particulates. Clean with a chamois cloth and dust-off.
From ZONE V, seat mid-plate on front panel.
Make sure antenna cable is out of the way.
Replace power button cable from COMPARTMENT B.
From SLOT 4, replace the 2.5 mm Phillips screw to secure the power button cable.
Replace logic board from ZONES II & III. Guide the charging port and headset jack in first:
Picture 1: Shows the charging port and headset jack on the bottom of the logic board.
Picture 2: Shows the openings for the headset jack and charging port.
Picture 3: Guide the charging port and headset jack in.
Make sure the power button cable doesn't get stuck under the logic board.
Seat the battery from ZONE V while guiding the battery connector into its socket.
Push connector in until it snaps into place.
Replace speaker assembly from ZONE I.
Replace two 3.3 mm Phillips #00 screws securing the speaker assembly from SLOT 1.
From ZONE V, secure the battery cover to the Kindle.
Start with the two tabs on either side of the charging port.
Almost done!
Finish Line